Friday, May 1, 2009

My Mom and Friend

My mom…my friend…a faithful wife…a fun loving gramma…a disciplined teacher…a Godly example. As I introduce my mom, this is what I would like everyone to know about her. This is the mom that I know and love.

When I was growing up, she was the “glue” that held my family together. My dad was gone a lot with the military and he trusted that she would take care of each one of us kids in his absence. She was faithful in church and in as many activities as she could be. She learned how to drive just so that she could take us to church and to the Christian school.

There were many sacrifices that she made over the years so that we could be blessed with a Christian education. She gave up things she may have wanted, to save money for what we needed. My parents first sent us to the Christian school but because we lived so far away, they decided that they just couldn’t afford it. They then, began to homeschool us. They used the best curriculum and spent quite a bit of money on our schooling. Money they could have used for other things.

Secondly, she sacrificed time. Homeschooling took every spare minute my mom had. She had great self discipline (which is the only way homeschooling will ever work) and did not slack off in the area of our education. She was very much like a drill sergeant! We had to be dressed, teeth brushed, shoes on for school every morning by 8:00 am. We then said the Pledge of Allegience every morning and she instructed us in Bible class before we started our school work. Teaching five kids in five different grades was no easy task, but she was faithful, and because of her efforts, each one of us graduated with a great education and knowledge of God’s Word.

All of us kids are young adults and out of school now, but you will still find my mom teaching. She loves to work with the students at New Testament Baptist School and remains a faithful, disciplined teacher.

Most of us are no longer at home now so my mom has taken on some new roles. Such as - wedding planner, confidante, counselor, labor coach, and Grandma. I was blessed with a mother who loves to be there for her kids and she has done just that, through many years. She helped me plan my wedding and then helped me as I transitioned into the role of a wife.

When I was pregnant with my first child, she was always there to answer every little question I had. And when my daughter was born, my mom was in the delivery room. There was nothing more special than having my mom there when my first baby was born. It was a memorable time that I don’t think any of us will ever forget and she now has a wonderful relationship with my daughter.

What a wonderful “Gramma” she is and my daughter is blessed to have her example. I’m so glad that I could introduce you to my mom.

She is a true Proverbs 31 woman. I love you, mom! Thank you for being the Godly example I needed, in preparation for the life the Lord has ahead for me.

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