Monday, June 1, 2009

My Mom - A Loyal, Faithful Christian

It’s hard to put into words how special my mom is to me. She has been an example to me of loyalty in every area I can think of. When I was eight, my dad left our family, and I watched my Mom for the next years remain loyal to him. I know there were times of discouragement, but because of her loyalty to the Lord, she stayed faithful in praying for my Dad. When times were tough, she always went to the Lord first. One of the fondest memories I have of my childhood is times when I would stop by her room and find her on her knees talking to the Lord. Every morning, she spent at the kitchen table reading her Bible. She taught me that serving the Lord was the greatest thing you can do with your life. She may have never said that in words, but her life has proven that through the years. The Lord has been her Father, Husband, and Best Friend all through the years.

Now as a Mother myself, the loyalty my Mom taught me with her life is something that I strive for in my own life daily. My desire is to live out loyalty to our Lord in front of my kids so when they grow up, they will desire the same Lord I love. The best life is a life of serving the Lord.

I praise the Lord for my Mom and the lessons she taught me. There are so many things in the Christian life that I find “natural” because I watched her do them. She tithed on the food stamps that our family got by giving groceries to our Pastor’s family. She instilled in me a strong sense that tithing is the least I can do for the Lord. It is just my reasonable service, and what all Christians should do. Just a small example, but a huge life lesson that she taught me.

She is my greatest example of how the Christian life is supposed to be lived out on a daily basis. Even now, she is still teaching, counseling, and instructing me. She is leaving me a Godly heritage to follow. That is my Mom’s life and it is one that is blessed of God because of her loyalty to our Lord. Thank you, Mom for this treasure. I love you!


  1. Thanks Lynette for sharing this. Your mom truly is a blessing to many and has been a testimony to many young girls - myself included. She is so faithful! Praise the Lord for her.

  2. This was a blessing to read. Your mom is one of our favorite people ever! She has been a blessing to our family from the first time we walked in the doors at NTBC and she still is today. She has a sweet spirit.
    We love you Mrs. Kennedy very much and we see Jesus in you...The Cobb family
